Monday, 2 September 2013

Draft Submission

As part of our experiment 1 submission, we were required to put together a draft of the outcomes for this first experiment.

Strategy Statement: 

The challenge with this brief is not how hard it is to conceal the letter and number which in my case is a combination of “H9” but the challenge is to actually stay creative and explore unique ways to incorporate the letter and number into the created environment to create a satisfactory experience for the user and allow them to be challenged into finding the 5 various scales of this letter / number combination throughout the island. I will try and use various techniques, elements and effects on various scales to ensure that I best conceal my letter and number combination and ensuring that I adhere to a unique approach.

5 Images of Cryengine environment:

This image above shows the whole island.
Macro - The largest combination of letter and number that I incorporated into my island is quite unique in my personal opinion. My idea behind this combination is incorporating a sand island within my main island that disappears during the night as the water level rises and reappears during the early hours of the morning and throughout the day revealing an imprint in the sand conveying the letter and number “H9” as the water level drops
My second combination is made up of fallen tree logs that lay on top of each other forming the letter “H” in a natural way and 9 big rocks that are placed randomly near the fallen logs. Upon looking at this combination from a distance, once can only identify this combination as natural elements that have formed over a given period of time blocking a path but upon close interaction and focus one can then identity this combination involved that convey the letter “H” and number “9”.

With my third combination I tried to seek a different approach to concealing my letter and number combination. I highlighted a specific section within my island and linked it to a sound file that would play and say “H9” every time the player is within that specific area. I believe that the use of sound to conceal these elements is rather unique. 
My fourth concealment of the letter and number combination allowed me to use a decal to convey the letter “H” as white paint on an old demolished building and represented the number “9” buy placing 9 lamps randomly around the same area to illuminate light for the letter “H”.
Micro - this is a plinth located on the island that displays the letter "H" and the numbers 4,3,1,1 which equal to "9" when added together.
My final step for this experiment is to keep adding details to my environment and ensure that I thoroughly cover the assessment outputs. I must also develop a trailer that would successfully convey my island in a distinctive and significant way as part of my final submission.

This week's lecture was really useful in presenting excellent examples of the concealment of subliminal messages and products within ads, movies and other means of representation. The content in this week's lecture have inspired me to ensure that I maintain a unique approach when concealing my letter and number combination.  

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